Meeting Room Policy Statement
The Library Board of Trustees welcomes the use of the Library Community Room by non-profit organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities. Usage of the library by any group does not constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or their beliefs by the Library Board or Staff. Library meetings and programs, including Friends of the Library and the Women’s Club, have scheduling priority over all other types of gatherings. Local community organizations take priority over users outside the community.
The Library Board shall have the authority to deny a meeting if it is deemed inappropriate to the mission of the Library as advised by the Library Director. Examples of what could be considered inappropriate are:
- Activities which could be harmful or dangerous to the health and safety of presenters, participants, attendees, library patrons and staff.
- Activities that might cause harm to the building and/or contents
- Activities that could be harmful to minors, if minors are allowed to participate.
- Disorderly behaviors or noise levels that could be disruptive to the mission of the library
- Illegal activities
Activities that for any reason may interfere with the regular operation of the library
- Activities that for any reason require too much space or too much security beyond the ability of the library to provide security.
Meetings held in the Library are subject to fire codes and occupancy load restrictions. The Library reserves the right to require insurance for any group that may pose a liability risk.
Meeting Room Description
The Carnegie Public Library Meeting Room is fully accessible to the handicapped. The room occupancy is 75 persons. Available are chairs, tables, and a kitchen. There are two public restrooms across the hall.
Room Use During Closed Hours
No meetings will be held, except Garden Club and Women’s Club during Library closed days which are Sunday and Monday or Library closed hours unless a Librarian, Library Board Member or City/County Official is present to take responsibility for building security. The library is open Tuesday thru Saturday from 10 am to 6 p.m.. Please schedule your meetings accordingly.
You may request the use of the meeting room in person or by phone. You may reserve the room up to three months in advance. All requests are placed on an events calendar which is posted. At the time of booking the Library will need to know:
- The name and size of your group
- Names and phone numbers of contact persons
- The date and times you plan to use the space
It is the library’s policy to respond within two working days of your request to confirm your booking. If you need to cancel your room reservation, please let the Library know as soon as possible.
As of December 1, 2010 a room use fee will be charged for the use of the Community Room to help defray electrical/heating expenses. The fee will be $10 for 3 hours or less and $25 for more than three hours in the Community Meeting Room. All Big Timber City, County, Public School, and Library related meetings (including Garden Club and Women’s Club) will be exempt from this fee. A fee of $30 will be charged to the visiting organization if the room has to be cleaned after a meeting. This cleaning bill will be sent to the presiding person of the user organization within 30 days after use.
Furniture Arrangement
Each group is responsible for the furniture arrangements needed for their meeting. Please remember to allow sufficient time to arrange the room. Available furniture includes chairs, small and large tables. Clean-up is the responsibility of the group using the meeting room. There will be a charge if additional cleaning is necessary.
There is a local telephone in the Meeting Room. Long distance is available using a credit or calling card.
Smoking and alcohol
Smoking is not permitted in the meeting room or in the building. Alcohol is not permitted anywhere within the Library building or on the premises.
Refreshments are permitted in the Community Room or kitchen only. Although the kitchen is fully equipped, the Community Room was not designed as a banquet room due to limited ventilation which would allow the escape of heavy cooking smells or air-born cooking oils. More appropriate foods include food cooked elsewhere, potluck, sandwiches, desserts, or snacks.
The kitchen has a stove, microwave, refrigerator, and dishwasher. Clean-up is the responsibility of the group. Any damage, breakage or food spillage by the organization using the facilities, including the kitchen, must be compensated for within 30 days at replacement cost, labor cost, or both. A bill will be sent to the presiding officer of the group or the person who registered to use the room.
The Library does not provide storage for the property of organizations or individuals meeting in the Community Room and does not accept responsibility for materials that are lost or damaged.
Misuse of Library property could result in immediate suspension of privileges to hold further meetings. Violators may be assessed a damage fee in addition to suspension of privileges. Groups using the Library shall not do anything to disturb any patron of the Library. Persons attending the meeting shall not solicit a patron of the Library for any purpose nor distribute any material to those not attending the meeting.
The Library Board of Trustees has given the Library Director the authority to supervise the use of the Community Room and interpret this policy. The Director shall have the right to waive the regulations whenever it is in the best interest of the Library or the community and to cancel further use of the Library facilities for any organization that does not follow the above regulations.